Friday, September 28, 2007


an·gel -[eyn-juh l]noun

1. one of a class of spiritual beings; a celestial attendant of God. In medieval angelology, angels constituted the lowest of the nine celestial orders (seraphim, cherubim, thrones, dominations or dominions, virtues, powers, principalities or princedoms, archangels, and angels).

a·sy·lum - [uh-sahy-luh m] –noun

1. (esp. formerly) an institution for the maintenance and care of the mentally ill, orphans, or other persons requiring specialized assistance.

2. an inviolable refuge, as formerly for criminals and debtors; sanctuary.

an·gels a·sy·lum -[eyn-jih ls uh-sahy-luh m] –proper noun

1. whatever you want it to mean.

1 comment:

-evan said...

so yeah, i wrote this ages ago.

but since then i've deleted everything else i've written, save for this. because i think this is a pretty darn good introduction.